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Wednesday 7 October 2009


Acrylic on canvas.

In this painting, the black represents negative emotions, like hate, sadness, anger etc. And the colour represents positive (the opposite).
This painting is to persuade "No Hate"... And the word HATE breaks as it falls into the positive side. The word No is also seen to be a negative word, and stays intact in the black (negative) side.
The painting is to remind you to stay happy, and don't let negative emotions like hate and anger take over you. You should break these emotions like the colour does in the painting.

This painting also has quite a personal meaning to me, as I used to hate a lot of things and people. I hope you like it, and I hope it makes you realise that hating is stupid and should be broken.


I will upload proper photos of the painting tomorrow!
So please come back to see them.
Thanks, Luke.


Ted. said...

I love this painting!!!! Such a good idea!

critanime said...

Very nice work that you have done ;)

Anonymous said...

Interesting meaning... Maybe you should stop hating (y)

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